because even in severe cases

2.Telogen hair loss treatment 3. The treatment of alopecia areata. Please note, however, that does not have these safeguards work, due to the unpredictable nature of the alopecia areata. It is this uncertainty, and to provide the opportunity scamsters outlandish claims. The fact is, there is no panacea advanced form of alopecia areata patients may want to consider other options, such as hoods and wigs. This is a hair loss condition, generally does not require any specific treatment. Once placed in the first trauma caused by the impact of hair loss has subsided, the hair will re-grow their own. Some patients like to encourage the regeneration process, through the use of minoxidil, but this is not necessary. Good nutrition system, and added B vitamins can help build a hair-friendly environment. . This does not mean that the patient is no hope, because even in severe cases, hair can spontaneously start growing again, even after years of losses. This is another alopecia, may itself spontaneously resolved. In some cases, one of the following process may prove to be useful: - The day-to-day application of minoxidil (Rogaine). - Injection of cortisone patchy areas of the scalp (this must be by a physician). Cortisone-containing creams and lotions can be used, but the results are variable. - Anthralin can be applied to the scalp in mild or early cases. - 100% aloe vera gel applications. - Rosemary and lavender essential oil scalp massage jojoba base. - Containing Chinese herbs He Shou Wu hair loss products. - Products recently generated called Calosol, positive feedback.